Faculty Mentor Identification and Notification

It is the Department Chair's responsibility to identify and assign a faculty mentor to new faculty. This should be done as soon as it is clear that the academic appointee will accept the offer of employment, ideally by mid-September. Once the faculty mentor is assigned, the Department should submit:

  1. Faculty Mentoring
    • Faculty Mentor Identification and Notification
    • Sample Mentor Plan
  2. When submitting your academic appointment files your letter must include information on the faculty member's assigned mentor, and must also include a mentoring plan. Sample language for the mentoring place can be found here.
  3. A mini biography

    A mini-biography should be prepared for every new ladder-rank faculty member (those in the Professor and Acting Professor series) and for new Lecturers and Senior Lecturers with Security of Employment or Potential Security of Employment. The mini-biography must be submitted in the academic year in which the person is recruited, even if the employment start date is in a subsequent year, and ideally it should be submitted as soon as possible following acceptance of an appointment. Please see the guidelines for submitting a short biography.

  4. A high resolution photo

  5. A letter will then be issued by the EVCAA in response acknowledging the arrangement and providing resources for successfully mentoring the individual. For more information about UCSD's mentoring program see: http://academicaffairs.ucsd.edu/faculty/programs/faculty-mentoring-program.html.