Unit 18 Lecturers are governed by the Memorandum of Understanding (https://ucnet.universityofcalifornia.edu/labor/bargaining-units/ix/contract.html)
There are two basic types of Unit 18 lecturers (not to be confused with the L(P)SOE series).
- Temporary Lecturers. These are individuals who have not completed 18 quarters of instruction and are being appointed to teach a course or courses. They do not hold faculty positions at UCSD, though they may hold other types of appointments at UCSD (not to exceed 100% total appointment effort at UCSD).
- Continuing Lecturers. These are individuals who have completed 18 quarters of instruction, completed the Excellence Review process and achieved Continuing status, and have been reappointed based on Instructional need in the appointing department. Individuals cannot be directly appointed as Continuing Lecturers.
This section will provide you with basic tools for understanding this series and how it's used.
Forms that are used in this series can be found here: https://aps.ucsd.edu/tools/forms.html#Unit-18-NSF-Forms-and-Resources