The Jacobs School of Engineering appoints individual whose primary purpose is to lecture. There are 4 Lecturer titles that we typically use:
Teacher Special Programs: are teachers who normally teach non-regular classes to University and non-University students usually on a part-time, by agreement basis.
Unit 18 Pre-Six Lecturer: This is by far the most common lecturer title used in the Jacobs School. This title is used for individuals who will be the Instructor of record (or co-Instructor or record) for a course. Their appointments are governed by the Unit 18 MOU. They are also individuals who have not completed 18 quarters of instruction. They do not hold faculty positions at UCSD, though they may hold other types of appointments at UCSD (not to exceed 100% total appointment effort at UCSD).
Continuing Lecturer: Continuing Lecturers are Unit 18 Lecturers who have completed 18 quarters of instruction, completed the Excellence Review process and achieved Continuing status, and have been reappointed based on Instructional need in the appointing department. Individuals cannot be directly appointed as Continuing Lecturers.
L(P)SOE: The L(P)SOE series has two titles: Lecturer with Potential Security of Employment (LPSOE) and Lecturer with Security of Employment (LSOE). These titles are for individuals who are exceptional educators who also participate in professional activities, and University and public service. Like Ladder Rank faculty they are supported with an FTE. They are also known as "Teaching Professors” and fall under the same policy as other academics (PPM 230-20 and PPM 230-28).