UCSD is committed to recognizing and retaining high-caliber faculty by offering faculty salaries that allow us to compete effectively in the academic marketplace. To this end, in 2014 the Career Milestone Salary Incentive (CMSI) was created to acknowledge significant career milestones with a special salary increase. In the years since its inception, the CMSI program has been modified and continually improved and I?m pleased to announce that the program is now being expanded to include our valued Teaching Professors and will also allow for a new, higher career maximum of $13,000 for future awards.
Effective 7/1/2021 Career Milestone Salary Incentive (CMSI) awards will be granted to both ladder rank Professors and Teaching Professors as they are promoted or advanced to the following significant milestones:
- Promotion to Tenure/Security of Employment
- Promotion to Full Professor/Teaching Professor
- Advancement to or through Professor, Step VI/Teaching Professor, Step VI
- Advancement to Above Scale
To provide recognition of the faculty member?s achievements and to assist with salary compression issues, a higher amount will be awarded at the first milestone reached:
- First Milestone: $7,000
- Second Milestone: $6,000
- Advancement to Above Scale (with no prior CMSI): $13,000
- Advancement to Above Scale (with prior CMSI): $13,000 minus total amount of prior CMSI received
A career maximum of $13,000 may be issued to a faculty member under the CMSI program. Faculty who have previously been awarded CMSI under the prior guidelines ($10,000 career maximum) will be eligible for the new, higher maximum only if they achieve new career milestones.
The salary adjustment will be issued as a market off-scale component that is automatically conferred upon achievement of one of the milestones noted above. The new off-scale component will be added to the faculty member's regular salary (rank/step scale rate plus any existing off-scale or above scale) and will be subject to normal off-scale guidelines. General Campus funding will be provided by the Executive Vice Chancellor; SIO funding will be provided by the Vice Chancellor for Marine Sciences; HS funding will be provided by the cognizant HS Dean
This program is approved for:
- Ladder-rank professors on the General Campus and SIO.
- Teaching professors on the General Campus and SIO.
Faculty in the Health Sciences are not eligible, as the Health Sciences Compensation Plan is intended to address salary concerns and APM 670 does not support off-scales.
Please note these special situations for HS faculty who hold a joint appointment with the General Campus and/or SIO:
- Effective 7/1/2021, HS faculty who hold a joint Ladder-rank or Teaching Professor appointment with GC and/or SIO and who are not members of the HSCP are eligible for CMSI awards.
Effective 7/1/2021, no further CMSI awards will be made to faculty in the HSCP who previously received a CMSI award.